Friday 30 October 2015

Read the letter

In the movie, Remember, Christopher Plummer stars as a man suffering from dementia. He is reminded by his close friend, another resident of the nursing home, that the two of them have devised a plan, a plan which is carefully detailed in a handwritten letter.  As he sets out to accomplish the mission, Zev frequently becomes confused about whom he is and what his purpose is.  He writes three words on his wrist:  Read the letter.  
That same message can apply to us when we forget whom we are and what our purpose is in life:  Read the letter.  Read God's letter to us- the Bible.  In this way we can "remember those earlier days" (Hebrews 10:32) and discover that we can "persevere" and "receive what [God] has promised" (v 36).   

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