Saturday 4 April 2020

COVID-19, April 4, 2020

Dear Church Family,

We hear so many numbers every day.  In an article in the paper this morning- just one article- 3,000, 5,000, 80,000, 900, 3,255, 2,793, 100,000, 6,000, 12,500, 300,000. And I probably missed a few.  A know some people who love numbers.  Put a spreadsheet in front of them or a three-year budget projection and they light up like a Christmas tree.

Interpreting the numbers requires a bit of effort on our part.  If someone quoted on building a deck for you, and they said it would cost between $3,000 and $15,000, you’d send him home to sharpen his pencil.  That sort of a range doesn’t mean a whole lot.

We don’t know how many people will contract the corona virus.  We don’t know how many thousands of lives will be lost.  What we do know is the one.  The one cousin, the one father-in-law, the one grandbaby who is in the hospital.

The numbers only mean something when the mean someone. 

The bible tosses around a lot of numbers too. About Old Testament battles and the sizes of the armies; about how Jesus fed 5,000+ people in one sitting, about how 3,000 people came to Christ after Peter’s sermon in Acts (2:41); about the 144,000 who would be redeemed from the earth (Revelation 14:2).  So many numbers.  It can make your mind go numb. Estimates, exaggerations, symbolism, representation.

These numbers too, only mean something when they point us to someone.
Caiaphas, the High Priest in the first century, said this about Jesus:  “It is better for you that one man die for the people than that the whole nation perish.” 

When all those numbers that are being tossed around start getting to you, remember the one:  Jesus.  Find a church service tomorrow, ok?  There are lots out there, including ours on the Ancaster CRC website.
Pastor Rita

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