Wednesday, 15 April 2020

COVID-19, Wednesday, April 15

Dear Church Family,

I’ve been hearing people say that what we are experiencing right now will be the new “normal,” that this era of isolation and physical distancing will continue after COVID-19 has run its course.  I don’t believe it.

“It is not good for the man to be alone,” said God, already in Genesis 2:18.  This is probably more a comment on the social nature of humanity than it is about marriage being normative. God’s blessings often including the promise that one would become a “community of peoples” (eg Gen 28:3). Christ followers are like different parts of one body (Rom 12). The church in Acts:  “all the believers were together (Acts 2:44).  And of course Jesus – he went about touching, yes touching, highly contagious infected people (Matt 8:3). 

Things WILL get back to the norm, that is, back to normal, when we can be in community again, enjoying one another’s company.  Because God will have the final say on what things will look like going forward.  So, until the day when we can worship together again, go to a Jays game again, when we can hug one another again, when we can “greet one another with a kiss of love… Peace to all of you who are in Christ” (I Pet 5:14).

Pastor Rita

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